Mobile application for kids
Pho3nix Kids application is a support for parents and children in their everyday movement. It is an interactive adventure in which we motivate and inspire the youngest to move, and reward them for leading an active lifestyle, regardless of their skills and level.

Video platform for children
Pho3nix Kids is also a platform with videos. With a single account, kids get access to over 100 videos with exercises for kids by charismatic trainers. Exercises available in different age categories. A daily dose of exercise and sports inspiration awaits! We reward the most engaged children and schools in activities on the Video Platform.

Pho3nix Active School
The biggest celebration of International Sports Day, a week of sports competitions and school challenges, preceded by several months of preparation and initiatives to promote physical activity among children. The final of Pho3nix Active School is a video competition for the title of the Most Inspiring School in the country!
Sports workshops for schools
Sports-educational classes organized by Pho3nix Foundation in primary schools. The workshops are attended by many titled athletes, including those with Olympic history. The goal of the workshops is to introduce students to a multitude of sports and help them discover which one is most inspiring to them. We believe that by conducting the workshops we will help to discover future sporting talents!

Camps and holiday-camps for children
The Pho3nix Foundation supports children’s sports development at every step – not only during the school year. We organize sports camps and holiday-camps for children, during which children, under the supervision of qualified coaches, have the opportunity to learn more about the world of sport. And all this in a fantastic holiday atmosphere! Our camps for children are free of charge.

Sports competitions for children
Pho3nix Kids is also an innovative triathlon competition for children created under the patronage of the gold medalist in Triathlon at the 2012 Olympic Games in London – Nicola Spirig. Participation in the competition from an early age is a great way to instill in children the spirit of fair-play sports competition. So far, the competition has taken place in Switzerland, Poland, Australia and Spain.

Pho3nix Kids YouTube channel
Our channel on YouTube is a free treasury of knowledge and a teaching aid for all P.E. teachers. Hundreds of instructional videos, workouts for children adapted to their age and level, and a whole lot of sports inspiration. You are welcome!