The Initiatives

The Pho3nix Active Score is an innovative overall measure of children's physical fitness across the four motor characteristics tested: strength, agility, endurance and jumping ability. The results are digitised on the Pho3nix Kids Video Platform, so every child can see how they compare to their peers!

The Pho3nix Kids app is a daily dose of exercise for your child! A mobile app available for all kids that rewards regular physical activity. Every step counts!

A platform with exercise videos and sports quizzes for kids. Level of advancement and difficulty adapted to age. Ideally complements the physical education classes at school.

A national action and spectacular video competition for primary schools in celebration of International Sports Day. Involves hundreds of thousands of children simultaneously!

Sports-educational activities organized by the Pho3nix Foundation at schools, involving coaches and titled sportsmen and sportswomen. This is how we reach children directly!

Every year the Pho3nix Foundation organizes sports camps and holiday camps for children and teenagers of school age. This is our contribution to the safe and healthy holidays of the youngest!

Pho3nix Kids is also a series of sports competitions (triathlon & duathlon) for children. From the youngest age we care about instilling the spirit of sports competition in children.

A free treasury of sports content for kids. Training and instructional videos for children aged 6 to 13 years. Great help for physical education teachers.
Pho3nix aims to motivate children to lead an active lifestyle through engaging video content, challenges, competitions and sporting initiatives such as camps and fun triathlon events.

Supporting children's sporting development
Sport teaches fair competition, self-discipline and perseverance in pursuit of goals. We inspire children to enjoy sport and support their sporting development.

Activity through fun
Fun, positive experiences are more likely to make children want to be active in the future. We want children to enjoy taking part and encourage daily activity with our videos, challenges and quizzes.

Rewarding regular activity
Children of all ages and abilities are able to earn rewards individually and for their school through their commitment to getting involved on a regular basis.

Support for schools and parents
Our aim is for these resources to be used as warm-ups or cool downs in PE, active breaks in lessons, as energisers before school or at lunchtime, in after school clubs and by parents at home to encourage regular physical activity.

Sharing activities with friends
We engage children in physical activity and encourage them to share this with their peers. Each child can be an inspiring example to their friends, inviting them to challenge themselves and be active together.

Free access
We want to make our resources inclusive and more accessible by removing cost as a potential barrier to participation. All Pho3nix Foundation projects including the web platform, app and events are free, allowing children of all backgrounds to access.